
在19世纪的最后25年, 约350,000 of men and women from Quebec Province in Canada made their way to the mill towns of New England, including those mill towns along the Saco River in Maine. These Québécois established their own 法国-Canadian settlements among those of the Irish Catholic and Yankees, 他们建立了自己的教育机构, 政治, 宗教, 服务机构.

20世纪30年代,圣乔治教堂的牧师亚瑟·德卡里神父. 安德烈在比德福德的教区, turned to the Franciscan Order in Montreal to establish a high school and junior college - a college séraphique - to educate young Franco-American men, 魁氏族的后裔, 在他们自己的传统遗产和文化, 尤其是你还想当牧师.

The Franciscans realized Decary's vision at a location at the mouth of the Saco River in Biddeford, on the same spot where European explorers had first sighted a village of the indigenous people of the Wabenaki.


On May 1, 1939, ground was broken for the new high school, and on Nov. 15, the College Séraphique opened its doors with 14 ninth graders. 参加的费用是每年200美元, 其中包括"板", 房间, 学费, 书, 运动器材, 还有往返火车站的交通."

The first class of 14 boys studied a strictly liberal arts curriculum. It included religion, 法国, 拉丁, 英语, algebra, general science, physics, music and chant. 四年后, 12年级的时候, 他们学习护教学, 拉丁, 法国, 英语, 历史和三角学.

学院的sassahique继续增长. By 1945-46, the first year with students enrolled in all six classes, 学生总数为88人. By graduation in 1950 enrollment had risen to 115 in the high school and 20 in the junior college.


尽管到了1952年, the College Séraphique had graduated young men who went on to enter the priesthood, the Franciscans decided to transform the institution into a four-year liberal arts college, 后来成为St。. 弗朗西斯大学. Its mission was the preparation of young Catholic men to become part of the larger dominant culture.

The Franciscans received a state charter to grant a college degree in 1953. For the first few years they continued the high school, but in 1958 they began to phase it out. By 1961, the College was solely a four-year post-secondary institution, 1966年, it was fully accredited by the New England Association of 大学 and Secondary Schools.

St. 弗朗西斯大学 built on but also expanded far beyond the curriculum of the college séraphique. 比如在1960年, the curriculum consisted of four divisions - humanities; mathematics and the natural sciences; social science, education and business; and theology and philosophy. Despite all the changes, the Franciscan and Catholic identities remained strong.

在20世纪60年代,圣. Francis began holding a series of symposia open to the community at large, 解决当代问题, 比如《现代世界的基督徒," in response to Vatican II; and "The Negro and the Quest for Identity," which brought to the campus many of the nation's civil rights leaders, 比如Rev. 马丁·路德·金.罗伊·威尔金斯,斯托克利·卡迈克尔和多萝西·戴.

By 1959, enrollments had reached 152, and in 1967, women were fully admitted for the first time. Enrollment continued to swing upward, reaching its peak in 1969-70 with 730 students.

From 1968-1974, however, the College underwent many changes. The Franciscans in Montreal decided to withdraw from administration and control of the College, 把它的所有权交给一个非专业人士组成的董事会. Also during the 1970s enrollments at the College and at small liberal arts colleges throughout the Northeast began to drop with many colleges closing their doors.


但圣. 弗朗西斯学院转型生存. It redefined its mission around programs in the biological sciences, 人类服务, 工商管理, and it also began discussions with the New England Foundation for 整骨疗法的医学, discussions that led to the founding of the New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 on the campus in 1978. 一个新的 缅因大学 was created — the University of New England — by combining St. 弗朗西斯大学 and the College of 整骨疗法的医学 into one institution.

二十年后, in 1996, 该大学与波特兰的威斯布鲁克学院合并, 缅因州最古老的学府之一, 成立于1831年.


1978年,该校只有36名医科学生和396名圣. 弗朗西斯学院本科生, the University of New England has grown into a more diverse institution with two distinctive campuses in Maine and one in 丹吉尔、摩洛哥. As 全球最大彩票网站排名, 十大网络彩票平台大全有9个以上的学生,000名学生, and state-of-the-art educational and research facilities, such as the Harold Alfond Center for 健康 科学s and the Marine 科学 Education and 研究 Center.

推进对研究的关注, the University has created several innovative Centers of Excellence for 研究 and Scholarship, including the 神经科学卓越中心; the 全球人文中心; and the 公共卫生卓越中心.

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报告对十大网络彩票平台大全进行了排名 美国最好的大学之一,并且UNE经常被认为是一个 领先的缅因大学. The College of 整骨疗法的医学 has been recognized for its excellence in geriatric, 农村和初级保健教育.

1978年,当. 弗朗西斯大学 and the New England College of 整骨疗法的医学 combined to become the University of New England, 有些人认为这个新名字有点浮夸. Jack Ketchum, president of the new institution, said "We'll grow into it," and he was right — we did.

要了解更多信息, 观景街. 弗朗西斯学院历史 Collection at UNE 图书馆服务.

*部分取自 Shaping a Future: The Founding of the University of New England 埃莉诺·H. 哈尼.